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united kingdom

Life protection


Indi Gregory's story - another victim of euthanasia?

· A few days ago, numerous news outlets revisited the case of a seriously ill eight-month-old girl, Indi Gregory - a British citizen - against whom the Supreme Court of that country recently ruled to disconnect her life support equipment.

· The parents have not given up their fight for the child's life, and last week it was reported that the girl had been granted Italian citizenship and the prospect of continuing treatment offered by the Vatican's Bambino Gesù hospital.

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Civil liberties


Ban on prayer in front of abortion clinics a blow to basic freedoms

· Amendments to the Public Order Bill are under way in the British Parliament.

· It concerns so-called "safe access" zones around abortion clinics in the UK.

· Similar legislation is currently in effect in Northern Ireland, where areas are created within 150 meters of these facilities, where it is forbidden not only to protest against abortion, but even to pray quietly and talk about alternatives to abortion.

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