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Collegium Intermarium destroyed by Poland’s left-liberal government

• In the three years of Collegium Intermarium’s existence, more than 400 people have benefited from this private university’s teaching offerings. The colleg

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The Polish Constitution guarantees academic freedom. Ordo Iuris opinion for the UN

- The UN Special Rapporteur is preparing a report on academic freedom and freedom of expression in educational institutions.

- The report is to be presented at the 56th session of the UN Human Rights Council in June.

- The Ordo Iuris Institute has submitted its opinion on the matter.

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On the new quality of education - the importance of elite classical universities in Poland

· In recent weeks, at the invitation of the Ordo Iuris Institute and Collegium Intermarium, Canadian lawyer Professor Jane Adolphe visited Poland.

· Her stay ended with a press conference, during which the topic of the functioning of elite classical universities in Poland was discussed.

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A response to the crisis of academic life – an agreement between Collegium Intermarium and ISSEP

· Collegium Intermarium commences teaching with the start of the new academic year.

·  On 30 September, CI signed a partnership agreement with the French Institute of Social, Economic and Political Science (ISSEP).

·  The institute was represented by its founder – French politician Marion Maréchal.

·  The agreement constitutes a response to the “crisis of civilisation and academic life”.

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Collegium Intermarium: a place of truth in the times of “cancel culture”

With the beginning of the academic year, the Collegium Intermarium University will begin its didactic activity.

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