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Family and marriage


Denunciation of Istanbul Convention necessary for family good. Legislative initiative committee conference

The Sejm Foreign Affairs Committee and the Justice and Human Rights Committee have not yet begun works on the citizens’ initiative ‘Yes to Family, No to Gender’. Its aim is to denounce the Istanbul Convention and replace it with the Convention on the Rights of the Family.

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Life protection


Istanbul Convention can be denounced soon. Work on bill to be continued

The Sejm decided to submit the citizens’ bill “Yes to Family, No to Gender” to the Foreign Affairs Committee and the Justice and Human Rights Committee. Earlier, MPs did not agree to a complete rejection of the proposal. The aim of the initiative is to denounce the gender-based Istanbul Convention and replace it with the Convention on the Rights of the Family.

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Family and marriage


Real support for victims of violence. New programme by Ordo Iuris.

People experiencing domestic violence do not always receive adequate support from the institutions which have been established for that very purpose.

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Family and marriage


Norwegian mother of three to remain with her children in Poland. The court decided not to extradite the woman

The Regional Court in Zielona Góra refused to extradite the Norwegian woman who fled to Poland with her three children, having suffered violence at the hands of the children’s father. This was the second attempt by the Kingdom of Norway to bring the mother back to the country. Norwegian authorities had sent a European Arrest Warrant for her, but later withdrew it.

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Family and marriage


Polish court protects family rights. Dutch boy to remain in Poland

The Regional Court in Warsaw confirmed that Martin den Hertog, a Dutch boy with autism, will be allowed to remain with his parents in Poland. The child was separated from the married couple in the Netherlands when he started displaying symptoms of a developmental disorder. The family fled to Poland, where it applied for asylum and legal protection.

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Family and marriage


The court did not release the children to Germany. The family stays in Poland

The Court of Appeals in Warsaw dismissed the application for the release of three siblings to Germany. Earlier, by order of the court of first instance, five children and their mother were to be separated. Thanks to the intervention of lawyers from the Ordo Iuris Institute, the family can stay together. It is believed that one of the girls was sexually abused by her grandfather on her father’s side in Germany.

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