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Ordo Iuris at the CPAC conference in Budapest

· An international conference of conservative circles - CPAC Hungary - took

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United in defense of values - Ordo Iuris at CPAC Hungary

· CPAC Hungary, an annual meeting of conservative circles from around the world, is underway in Budapest.
· Speakers at the event included Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, former U.S. government representative for women's health Valerie Huber, Croatian MEP Stephen Bartulica, Slovakian Family Minister Milan Krajniak and Ordo Iuris Institute President Jerzy Kwasniewski.

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The Polish Ordo Iuris Institute commences International Election Monitoring Mission to Hungary

As announced by the legal research institute and its partner, Collegium Intermarium University in Warsaw on 16 March, an international observer mission will be deployed to the Hungarian elections.  The duties of election observers are performed by the representatives of academic research institutes, think tanks, social organizations, lawyers and journalists from five European countries, beginning on 24th of March.

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Alliance for the Common Good - the answer of the crisis of Europe

  • Non-governmental organizations have created the Alliance for the Common Good headquartered in Warsaw and Budapest. The members of the Alliance signed the founding document today in the Hungarian capital.
  • At a press conference, the founding Hungarian and Polish institutes were accompanied by the Italian, Czech and Slovakian partners who joined the Alliance.
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Polish-Hungarian partnership to protect values. Joint declaration of Ordo Iuris and Center for Fundamental Rights

In an age where fundamental values are being undermined, international cooperation to protect them is of extreme importance. A delegation of the Ordo Iuris Institute met in Budapest with the Hungarian legal think tank Center for Fundamental Rights. The two organisations signed a joint Declaration and Accord on Cooperation.

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