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Polish-Hungarian partnership to protect values. Joint declaration of Ordo Iuris and Center for Fundamental Rights

Published: 21.02.2020

Center for Fundamental Rights

In an age where fundamental values are being undermined, international cooperation to protect them is of extreme importance. A delegation of the Ordo Iuris Institute met in Budapest with the Hungarian legal think tank Center for Fundamental Rights. The two organisations signed a joint Declaration and Accord on Cooperation. The purpose of the meeting was to launch a partnership for achieving major international goals. During their visit in Budapest, the Ordo Iuris representatives also met with delegates of the Hungarian government.


The Institute was represented by President Jerzy Kwaśniewski, Vice President Dr Tymoteusz Zych and Director of the Centre for International Law Karolina Pawłowska. This is an attempt by the two organisations, through joint interventions, to analyse and counsel, whereby restore the proper understanding of human rights both domestically and internationally. When human rights are being treated instrumentally, and radical ideologues attempt to ascribe to them meanings which stand in complete opposition to their original intent, establishing a broad coalition to defend fundamental values is of paramount importance. Also important is the need to counteract the intensifying attempts by the European Union and the UN to curtail the influence that member states have on their functioning, which particularly affects Central and Western European countries.


During the Budapest visit, the Ordo Iuris representatives also had the opportunity to meet with representatives of the Hungarian government. Over the course of several meetings, they shared experiences and possible courses of action across different fields. Discussion topics ranged from family policy, protecting religious freedom, combating the persecution of Christians, as well as protecting the right to live and the rights of parents and the family internationally.


“We discussed the need to oppose the increasingly frequent attempts at infringing upon the sovereignty of member states by EU, UN and Council of Europe officials. The discussions led us to conclude that only decisive action can stem the tide of increasingly radical demands pushed by ideological activists”, says Karolina Pawłowska.

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