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Life protection


Statement on the rejection by the Polish Sejm of a bill decriminalizing abortion

On July 12, the Parliament of the Republic of Poland rejected by a majority vote a bill decriminalizing the killing of unborn children through abortion.

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Civil liberties


Criticism of a children's book published by an LGBT organisation lawful. Judgment of the Constitutional Court of Hungary

· The Constitutional Court of Hungary ruled that a newspaper had the right to criticise a collection of fairy tales containing homosexual themes, published by an LGBT association.

· The case concerned a lawsuit by the organisation, which accused the editors of violating its personal rights.

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Life protection


Peru strengthens legal protection for the lives of unborn children

· The Peruvian Congress has passed a law recognising certain rights of unborn children.

· According to the act, the conceived child is "a subject of rights with the full status of a human person". Among other things, it has the right to "develop freely in the womb".

· Until now, the rights of unborn children were not mentioned in a separate act, but in the Peruvian Constitution and civil legislation.

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Family and marriage


Project threatening to impose on Poland the acceptance of adoptions by same-sex couples

- The European Parliament's Committee on Legal Affairs (JURI) has adopted an opinion on draft legislation to facilitate the recognition of parenthood in the European Union.

- The draft introduces an obligation for EU countries to mutually recognise judgments establishing parenthood.

- Adoption of the regulation would mean that Poland could be required to accept adoptions made in other countries by same-sex couples.

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Family and marriage


Hungarian President: "Without children there is no future". SDG Summit

- At the recent SDG Summit, Hungarian President Katalin Novák highlighted the demographic crisis and reiterated the right of parents to raise their children according to their own beliefs

- The event was part of the UN summit in New York.

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Family and marriage


Family is strategically important for society - international scientific conference

- The demographic crisis is one of the most serious problems today.

- The international scientific conference "Cultural Aspects of Family Policy," organized by the Ordo Iuris Institute and Collegium Intermarium, was devoted to ways to solve it.

- Participants in the event focused on how culture affects people's attitudes about their family life.

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