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Family and marriage


Ordo Iuris Institute intervenes in case of Polish family whose four children were taken away by Swedish social welfare

• A Polish couple, who had previously fled to Poland to get away from the Swedish social services, contacted the lawyers of the Ordo Iuris Institute for help after their children had been taken away from them and brought to Sweden.

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Life protection


Statement on the rejection by the Polish Sejm of a bill decriminalizing abortion

On July 12, the Parliament of the Republic of Poland rejected by a majority vote a bill decriminalizing the killing of unborn children through abortion.

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Civil liberties


Criticism of a children's book published by an LGBT organisation lawful. Judgment of the Constitutional Court of Hungary

· The Constitutional Court of Hungary ruled that a newspaper had the right to criticise a collection of fairy tales containing homosexual themes, published by an LGBT association.

· The case concerned a lawsuit by the organisation, which accused the editors of violating its personal rights.

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Life protection


Peru strengthens legal protection for the lives of unborn children

· The Peruvian Congress has passed a law recognising certain rights of unborn children.

· According to the act, the conceived child is "a subject of rights with the full status of a human person". Among other things, it has the right to "develop freely in the womb".

· Until now, the rights of unborn children were not mentioned in a separate act, but in the Peruvian Constitution and civil legislation.

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Family and marriage


Project threatening to impose on Poland the acceptance of adoptions by same-sex couples

- The European Parliament's Committee on Legal Affairs (JURI) has adopted an opinion on draft legislation to facilitate the recognition of parenthood in the European Union.

- The draft introduces an obligation for EU countries to mutually recognise judgments establishing parenthood.

- Adoption of the regulation would mean that Poland could be required to accept adoptions made in other countries by same-sex couples.

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Family and marriage


Hungarian President: "Without children there is no future". SDG Summit

- At the recent SDG Summit, Hungarian President Katalin Novák highlighted the demographic crisis and reiterated the right of parents to raise their children according to their own beliefs

- The event was part of the UN summit in New York.

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