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Stop child trafficking. Petition to the UN on surrogacy

• An international coalition of NGOs has prepared a petition to the United Nations calling for action to combat surrogacy.

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Family and marriage


UNICEF plans to negatively impact children’s welfare

• The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has presented a strategic plan that is based on the promotion of so-called reproductive and sexual rights, reports the Center for Family and Human Rights.

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Family and marriage


Caring for the welfare of the youngest – Ordo Iuris report for the UN

The 88th session of the Committee on the Rights of the Child is approaching – a unit of the United Nations whose task is to supervise the observance of the provisions of the Convention on the

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Family and marriage


Real support for victims of violence. New programme by Ordo Iuris.

People experiencing domestic violence do not always receive adequate support from the institutions which have been established for that very purpose.

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Family and marriage


Norwegian mother of three to remain with her children in Poland. The court decided not to extradite the woman

The Regional Court in Zielona Góra refused to extradite the Norwegian woman who fled to Poland with her three children, having suffered violence at the hands of the children’s father. This was the second attempt by the Kingdom of Norway to bring the mother back to the country. Norwegian authorities had sent a European Arrest Warrant for her, but later withdrew it.

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Negative consequences of permissive sex education – Ordo Iuris report

Sex education classes are now under discussion in Poland. The experiences of other countries that have implemented such programmes are of significant importance in this respect. Such countries as Sweden, Germany and Denmark, instituting a permissive model of comprehensive sex education, have observed high rates of abortion among teenagers, sexually transmitted diseases and sex offences.

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