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European Union

Civil liberties


The Great Reset – An Urgent Need for Drastic EU Reform

Over the past 70 years, the European Union has evolved from a simple economic cooperation project into a powerful supranational entity with its own currency, court, and ability to impose financial sanctions on Member States.

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Civil liberties


Digital Services Act will combat “hate speech.” EU institutions' attack on freedom of speech

• The European Commission has announced the inclusion of a revised Code of Conduct on Countering Illegal Hate Speech Online in the Digital Services Act.

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Civil liberties


Most violence against women occurs in countries that have adopted the Istanbul Convention – latest EU report

• The results of the latest report, EU Gender-based Violence Survey – Key Results, on the topic of violence against women, which includes data from 27 member states, show that Scandinavian countries such as Denmark, Finland, and Sweden have some of the highest rates of violence against women (52%, 47%, and 46%, respectively).

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Life protection


European Parliament Committee calls for free access to abortion in all EU countries. The recommendations conflict with international law

• The European Parliament will debate the draft recommendations of the EU Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality (FEMM).

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Nation-states must act now to regain control of the European Union and preserve democracy

“Intensive work on treaty reform in order to bring about a more centralized European Union has been ongoing over the past four years. In 2022, the final report resulting from the “Conference on the Future of Europe” was published.

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