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European Union

Economic freedom


EU agreement on nature restoration could hinder countries' economic development

· Council and Parliament have reached agreement on new rules for restoring and protecting degraded habitats in the European Union.

· The aim of the draft regulation on the restoration of natural resources is to introduce measures that will restore ecosystems by 2050.

· The regulation is controversial among EU member states, MEPs and food producers.

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Family and marriage


International agreement to be signed soon. Poland's opposition to an ideological interpretation of concepts

- The partnership agreement between the EU and the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS) is due to be signed on 15 November.

- The adoption of the agreement could result in, among other things, the pushing of the concept of so-called reproductive and sexual rights or gender theory.

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Civil liberties


The principle of the primacy of EU law soon in the Treaties?

- The Committee on Legal Affairs and the Committee on Constitutional Affairs of the European Parliament have, by an overwhelming majority, adopted a Report on the primacy of Community law over the national laws of the Member States.

- The report contains recommendations recommending, inter alia, that the principle should be enshrined in the EU treaties in order to give it greater legal force.

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Civil liberties


United States of Europe? Draft amendments to EU treaties

- A group of left-wing MEPs has prepared several hundred amendments to the treaties expanding the powers of the European Union and weakening the role of member states.

- The proposals would allow the EU to promote gender ideology, influence the content of school curricula, and dictate solutions to states on environmental protection, abortion or the fight against discrimination.

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Civil liberties


Ecology, immigration and further enlargement of the Union - Ursula von der Leyen's State of the Union address

The President of the European Commission delivered her annual State of the Union address at the European Parliament in Brussels. Within the framework of the so-called "State of the Union," Ursula von der Leyen addressed the most important issues related to the current situation in the European Union, such as the European Green Deal, the economy, migration and Russian aggression against Ukraine. At the same time, Ursula von der Leyen stressed the need to further broaden and deepen integration within the European Union.

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Family and marriage


Gender agreement adopted by EU Council. Poland in defense of the right to life and against the deconstruction of traditional norms

· The Council of the European Union has decided on the signing and provisional application of the Partnership Agreement between the European Union and the Organization of African, Caribbean and Pacific States. The EU is expected to sign the Agreement itself in the coming months.

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