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European Union

Life protection


Ordo Iuris against extending the competences of the European Union in the field of health protection

· The Ordo Iuris Institute has provided the European Commission with a legal opinion on a new EU initiative to protect global health.

· The project, which is planned to be adopted still in 2022, implements an agenda identical to the WHO pandemic treaty and the proposals of the Conference on the Future of Europe.

· The actions for health announced by the European Commission include access to abortion and global health policy governance.

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Civil liberties


The conference on the Future of Europe was an illusion of democracy. Ordo Iuris sums up CoFoE

· The Conference on the Future of Europe - CoFoE was held in the European Union for a year.

· The project was intended to be an opportunity to listen to the will of EU citizens as regards the direction of reforms in the Union.

· In fact, CoFoE was used by EU stewards to obtain a bogus social card for their long-planned changes and projects.

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Civil liberties


The mechanism of holding states accountable to the rule of law undermines the democratic nature of the European Union

· There has been a so-called dispute over the rule of law between Poland and the European Commission since 2017.

· In recent weeks, the European Commission has published another edition of the "Report on the rule of law", in which it repeats the accusations against Poland and makes recommendations aimed at improving the state of the rule of law.

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Civil liberties


The demands of the MEP from Malta may lead to discrimination and violation of Poland's competences

· The Ordo Iuris Institute has published a response to allegations made by Maltese MEP Cyrus Engerer concerning, inter alia, alleged discrimination against women and people with homosexual inclinations in Poland.

· The letter prepared by the politician was a reaction to the memoranda addressed by Ordo Iuris to MEPs, pointing to the non-discriminatory nature of Polish law.

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Civil liberties


Another attempt by the European Union to use the economic agreement to impose an abortion agenda and LGBTIQ on the countries of the South

• The post-Cotonou agreement between the European Union and 79 African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) states has been negotiated to replace the previous twenty-year economic agreement between these two blocs.

• One of the priorities of the new binding treaty is to strengthen commitments to "comprehensive sex education" and "reproductive rights".

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Life protection


Another attempt to censor freedom of thought and speech in the European Union: 8 left-wing MEPs called for denying access to the EU spaces of all pro-life NGOs

· On 28 June 2022, eight Renew Europe MEPs wrote a letter to the President of the European Parliament demanding the immediate withdrawal of the accreditation of all conservative NGOs from EU premises.

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