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European Union

Dr Tymoteusz Zych - The need for structural reforms in the European Union

Over the past several years, we have experienced growing dissatisfaction with the current model of European integration. While the most notable example of this trend was the Brexit referendum, at the moment it took place the UK was not the most strongly anti-EU country.

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Life protection


EU to push pro-abortion agenda in UN – radical European Parliament resolution

The European Parliament has adopted another radical resolution which includes gender ideology, accusations of alleged regressive treatment of women's rights and a condemnation of the US ban on the public funding of pro-abortion organisations, in addition to calling upon the EU to urgently ratify the Istanbul Convention.

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Life protection


No protection for human embryos – CJEU rejects One of Us appeal

Destroying human embryos, as well as studying and experimenting on embryonic stem cells, will be legal in the European Union. The Court of Justice of the European Union has rejected the appeal of the creators of the "One of Us" European Citizens' Initiative. This means that it will cease to be worked on any further by the EU. The purpose of the initiative was to make EU regulations more uniform by prohibiting and defunding actions which violate fundamental human rights.

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Family and marriage


Magdalena Olek: Ideological document attacking Poland – Ordo Iuris comment on European Parliament resolution

European Parliament has adopted a scandalous resolution “on public discrimination and hate speech against LGBTI people, including LGBTI free zones.” Adoption of the document had been preceded by a resounding debate on alleged discr

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Family and marriage


Promotion of LGBT agenda during a debate on the situation of children around the world – EP resolution

The European Parliament adopted an ideological resolution on the 30th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

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Life protection


Gender and LGBT supporter elected new Commissioner for Equality

Helena Dalli is a new member of the European Commission, and a proponent of same-sex couple and sexual and reproductive rights. The Maltese has taken the newly-created position of Commissar for Equality.

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