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European Union

Family and marriage


Ordo Iuris responds to the European Commission’s allegations, siding with the LGBT movement

• The European Commission has filed a number of charges against Poland.

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Family and marriage


Consultation on the recognition of homoadoption. Ordo Iuris’ criticism sent to the EC

Public consultations on the legislative initiative on the recognition of parenthood between Member States, announced by the European Commission in April, are underway.

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Between a Europe of nations and a superstate - a report on the federalization of the European Union


• Collegium Intermarium has inaugurated the European Integration Research Center.

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Family and marriage


Patryk Miernowski: The EU proposes an “aid agreement” based on ideological economic blackmail

• The currently negotiated Partnership Agreement between the European Union and members of the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS) contains dangerous provisions obligating the participating states to implement t

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Institute Activity


Judicial pronouncements of the EU Member States confirm the primacy of national constitutions

● The Constitutional Tribunal, at the request of the Prime Minister, will rule whether the Constitution of the Republic of Poland takes precedence over EU law, wherein he indicated that the CJEU exceeded its powers.

● Earlier, the Court of Justice of the European Union ruled that if a national court finds that domestic law infringes EU law, it has an obligation to refrain from applying such provisions of domestic law, regardless of whether they are statutory or constitutional.

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