Published: 24.05.2023
· The Lithuanian Movement of Families held an international conference in Vilnius this past weekend entitled. "Standing up for natural rights, let's save Europe together."
· The discussion at the event focused on emphasizing the value of the family and the fundamental right of parents to raise their children according to their own beliefs, as well as the dangers accompanying them due to technological advances, globalization and the promotion of gender ideology.
· Speakers included Gudrun Kugler, a member of the Austrian parliament who is involved in the protection of human rights, the director of the Leo Initiative for Social Research at the Catholic University in Washington, DC - Rev. Prof. Paul Sullins, public health specialist and member of the Scottish Family Party - Diane Horsley, the development director of the Ladislav Hanus Institute and organizer of the Conservative Summit in Slovakia - Marek Novák, and the director of the International Law Center of the Ordo Iuris Institute - Veronika Przebierała.
· The event ended with the signing of a joint declaration by the participants, in which they expressed their commitment to the institutions of marriage and family and called for action to promote them.
The conference was organized by the Lithuanian Family Movement, with which Ordo Iuris Institute has been cooperating since 2021. Guests from the US, Lithuania and Scotland, as well as the entire Visegrad group - Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic - were invited to participate in the event. Other speakers included Austrian MP - Gudrun Kugler, as well as the director of the Leo Initiative for Social Research of Catholic University in Washington - Rev. Dr. Paul Sullins. The conference was also attended by public health specialist and Scottish Family Party member Diane Horsley, Lithuanian sociologist and political scientist Dr. Andrius Švarplys, director of the Development Director of the Ladislav Hanus Institute and organizer of the Conservative Summit in Slovakia - Marek Novák, analysts of the Center for Fundamental Rights from Hungary - Anna Lakó and Dénes András Nagy and the Czech Alliance for the Family -Mikuláš Tomáš Misterka, as well as the director of the Center for International Law of the Ordo Iuris Institute - Weronika Przebierała. In her speech, the representative of the Institute drew the audience's attention to the consequences of the reinterpretation of treaty provisions, based on the assumption that laws change meaning in accordance with the evolving views of society.
The conference ended with the adoption of a joint declaration. In it, the signatories expressed their commitment to marriage as the union of a man and a woman. They stressed that "sexual orientations and gender identities, forms of social life or individual self-expression practices based on them, cannot be equated with natural constitutional human rights."
The declaration also opposed violations of parents' constitutional right to raise their children according to their own beliefs and the sexualization of children in schools. The signatories also noted that gender ideology "is false and leads societies and states down a dead end," and that "it should be opposed in all areas of the state: law, politics, the education system, public space." They also noted that in order to combat threats to families, it is necessary to "mobilize all progressive social and political forces, religious and family organizations, and civic communities in every European country and internationally to work together."
• The ordeal of the Polish Klaman family, whose three children were taken away by Swedish officials with the permission of a Polish court on July 4, 2024, has been ongoing for seven months.
• The UN Independent Expert on protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity has published a statement summarizing his country visit to Poland.
• The purpose of the visit, undertaken at the invitation of the Polish government, was to identify the gaps in the protection against discrimination and suggest best practices for the government to eliminate all cases of violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.
• On January 20, Sejm Speaker Szymon Hołownia announced that the citizens' bill aimed at protecting minors from online pornography would proceed to its first reading in the Sejm, the lower house of Poland's parliament.
In the past decade, gender ideology has become a polarizing global issue, challenging established scientific, moral, and cultural truths. This ideology, which promotes the idea that gender identity can differ from one's biological sex, has spread into various spheres of society, including education, medicine, politics, and everyday life.