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Family and marriage


Gender postulates in a UN report

· The United Nations published a report on the implementation by its members of postulates of a policy based on the gender perspective in the legal and social sphere.

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Family and marriage


Session of the Human Rights council overshadowed by ideology

● In June/July 2021, the 47th General Assembly of the United Nations Human Rights Council took place.

● The conference programme had mainly envisaged the discussion on the rights of women and their situation around the world.

● In reality, the meeting mainly focussed on the plans for the introduction of the gender ideology and the ideological concept of ‘reproductive and sexual rights’.

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Family and marriage


Patryk Miernowski: The EU proposes an “aid agreement” based on ideological economic blackmail

• The currently negotiated Partnership Agreement between the European Union and members of the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS) contains dangerous provisions obligating the participating states to implement t

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Family and marriage


A gender and pro-abortion forum with the participation of world leaders

• Generation Equality Forum (GEF) is a conference organised with the participation of UN Women and the governments of Mexico and France and its declared purpose was to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing.

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Family and marriage


Anna Kubacka: The FEMM Committee wants ‘gender-based violence’ to be recognised as a European crime

• The European Parliament Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality (FEMM) voted for  submitting a draft resolution to the PE which was designed to elicit changes in the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) and to result in adoption of a new directive.

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Family and marriage


Denunciation of Istanbul Convention necessary for family good. Legislative initiative committee conference

The Sejm Foreign Affairs Committee and the Justice and Human Rights Committee have not yet begun works on the citizens’ initiative ‘Yes to Family, No to Gender’. Its aim is to denounce the Istanbul Convention and replace it with the Convention on the Rights of the Family.

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