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Family and marriage


UN independent expert's report: recognition of gender plurality and "gender education"

· UN independent expert Viktor Mardigal-Borloz has published a report on the relationship between freedom of religion and conscience and protection from violence and discrimination based on "sexual orientation" and "gender identity."

· The report was presented at the 53rd session of the UN Human Rights Council.

· The publication is the result of work carried out by the expert, as well as opinions submitted by stakeholders.

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Family and marriage


Gender demands of EU Council under the guise of fighting violence

- The Council of the European Union has presented its position on a draft directive on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence. 

- Work on the draft has been ongoing since last year, when the document was published by the European Commission.

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Family and marriage


"Ideology leads societies down a dead end" - Ordo Iuris at international conference in Lithuania

· The Lithuanian Movement of Families held an international conference in Vilnius this past weekend entitled. "Standing up for natural rights, let's save Europe together."

· The discussion at the event focused on emphasizing the value of the family and the fundamental right of parents to raise their children according to their own beliefs, as well as the dangers accompanying them due to technological advances, globalization and the promotion of gender ideology.

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Family and marriage


Istanbul Convention adopted by EU only in part, without provisions promoting gender ideology

· The European Parliament has passed a resolution agreeing to conclude the Istanbul Convention in its entirety for EU institutions and in part for member states.

· The document is controversial due to some provisions promoting gender ideology.

· The EU's accession to the convention would allow EU institutions to impose financial penalties on countries for "inadequate" implementation of its provisions.

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Strasbourg Court: state has no obligation to recognize "third sex"

· The European Court of Human Rights has dismissed the complaint of a French man suffering from hermaphroditism who demanded that a notation of "neutral" or "intersex" gender be entered on his birth certificate.

· The courts refused, pointing out that his request was essentially a demand for the establishment of a "third gender," while French law only recognizes male and female sex.

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Family and marriage


The defeat of "Atlas of Hate" and the victory of truth

The European Commission has been conducting a special "infringement procedure" against Poland since July 2021. EU officials claimed that Poland was discriminating against people with homosexual tendencies and experiencing "gender identity" disorders. Evidence of this discrimination was to be found in alleged "LGBT-free zones." This is an obvious lie by the LGBT activists themselves, who, by the way, openly boasted on social media that thanks to them the Commission is screening Poland.

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