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human rights

Family and marriage


Strasbourg Court takes the mother’s side. The woman has the right to contact her child

The European Court of Human Rights allowed a Nigerian woman living in Spain to keep in touch with her son. The woman had fought for the right to visit her child regularly and for the suspension of his adoption for a few years.

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Civil liberties


They were not allowed to draw graffiti. LGBT activists submit a complaint against the Georgian government to the European Court of Human Rights

The European Court of Human Rights will deal with the complaint of LGBT activists from Georgia. As a basis for human rights violations, the activists have pointed at the fact that the police prevented them from drawing graffiti on the wall of the Orthodox Church patriarch's residence.

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The ECtHR strikes at freedom of conscience. Midwives can be forced to perform abortions

The European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg rejected the complaints of two midwives from Sweden who were not employed in a hospital because of their opposition to participate in performing abortions.

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Family and marriage


Further violations of parents' rights in Norway. The Strasbourg Court issued its ruling

The European Court of Human Rights has once again ruled that Norway has violated parents' rights. The cases concern two families broken up by the child protection office - Barnevernet, on the basis of false accusations of mental problems of the parents.

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Polish-Hungarian partnership to protect values. Joint declaration of Ordo Iuris and Center for Fundamental Rights

In an age where fundamental values are being undermined, international cooperation to protect them is of extreme importance. A delegation of the Ordo Iuris Institute met in Budapest with the Hungarian legal think tank Center for Fundamental Rights. The two organisations signed a joint Declaration and Accord on Cooperation.

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Family and marriage


Norway once again violates parental rights, including those of a Polish woman – ruling of the European Court of Human Rights

The European Court of Human Rights found the Norwegian child protection services to have violated parental rights in another in a series of rulings on the subject issued in the past several months. The right to respect for family life was once again infringed upon by the Barnevernet. One of the cases involved a Polish woman whose son was taken away. The Pole was allowed only two visits per year, before being completely prohibited from seeing him despite positive opinions by doctors, psychologists, and kindergarten authorities.

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