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Published: 25.01.2024

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In response to a number of unlawful actions of specific public authorities, which violate the legal order of the Republic of Poland, starting with the Constitution itself, and undertaken after 13 December 2023, we, the Polish lawyers, hereby warn all those breaking the law, supporting and inciting such actions, that all such actions shall be documented in a way, which will enable future accountability of the perpetrators for their deeds.

Today, we are launching "Against lawlessness – att. Władysław Siła – Nowicki Archives", where we shall collect documented information regarding violations of the law. We will soon be asking all citizens of the Republic of Poland to report to the "Archive” information about violations and violators of the Polish law and constitutional order.

Warsaw, 24 January 2024

On behalf of the organizers:

Jan Majchrowski – professor at the University of Warsaw, member of the State Tribunal

Association Lawyers for Poland

Ordo Iuris Institute for Legal Culture

Collegium of Sovereignty

Independent Association of Prosecutors Ad Vocem

Foundation “Institute of Justice”

Foundation “Warsaw Seminar of Axiology of Administration”

National Association of Judges “Judges of the Republic of Poland”





Civil liberties


An update on the violations of the rule of law by Donald Tusk’s government in Poland

The following updates and adds to an earlier list of violations that was published in October 2024.

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Institute Activity


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The Ordo Iuris Institute is an independent research and litigation center that shapes the social debate as a defender of life, family, freedom, and Poland’s Christian heritage. By providing legal professionalism, scholarly activities, education, and precedent-setting litigation intervention, we strengthen both national and international guarantees of fundamental rights and freedoms.

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Civil liberties


A year of devastation of the rule of law by the EU-supported Left in Poland

• Over a year has passed since Donald Tusk’s latest government was established in Poland.

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Institute Activity


Merry Christmas!

Looking toward the Holy Family, we rediscover the beauty of the natural order, where marriages joined together by God's love enable maternal “fiat” said to life, and inspire paternal devotion and sacrifice. May the experience of family security, goodness and beauty fill our homes, kindling us to serve life, marriage and family with ever greater urgency.

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