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Let's judge Putin! Ordo Iuris gathers evidence of Russian crimes

Published: 06.03.2022

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· The Ordo Iuris Institute, in cooperation with the Collegium Intermarium University, launched a programme of gathering evidence of Russian war crimes.

· Reports of such incidents can be reported on and via the War Crimes Archive Facebook profile.

· Their collection and verification are carried out by a team of experts and volunteers from various countries.

· The aim of these activities is to launch an international investigation and bring to justice those responsible for the crimes.



The aggressive war waged by the Russian and Belarusian troops is a violation of international conventions prohibiting the use of war as a means of conducting disputes between states. These rules were already included in the Briand-Kellogg Pact in 1929. They were also confirmed in the Charter of the United Nations.

Reports of numerous war crimes against the civilian population come from the Ukrainian front. Single-family houses, apartment blocks, kindergartens and hospitals are being attacked, among others. On the Internet, you can find many recordings and photos proving the scale of these events. The Ordo Iuris Institute and Collegium Intermarium undertook to collect them and verify their truthfulness. It is supervised by a team of Polish, Ukrainian and American experts. Students of Collegium Intermarium are also involved in the activities of the team. After the initial analysis of the truthfulness of the report, the collected materials are stored for use in further legal actions. The staff also cooperates with numerous centres in Ukraine, including local government officials and journalists.

These actions are intended to lead to an international investigation into the actions of Russia and Belarus. The collected data will be used in future trials before the International Criminal Court against perpetrators of war crimes. Pursuant to the declaration of Ukraine, the International Criminal Court has jurisdiction to identify, prosecute and judge the perpetrators and accomplices of crimes against humanity and war crimes committed on the territory of Ukraine since February 20, 2014. It can be used in connection with attempts to obtain post-war reparations. On the same page, you can also sign a petition to the UN Secretary-General, the Head of the Council of the European Union and the President of the Republic of Poland with an appeal to take legal action against the perpetrators of the crimes.

“In an era when every war crime can be perpetuated and secured by the victims and their allies, the international community cannot abandon the consistent and firm holding of the perpetrators of the terror of war to justice”, was written in an open letter.

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