Published: 08.03.2021
The Ordo Iuris Institute launches a programme in defence of the good name of Poland. In response to repeated historical lies and accusations made against Poland by LGBT political activists, politicians and foreign media claiming that Poland violates international commitments, the Institute has issued a report on the social and legal situation of individuals with homosexual inclinations or gender identity disorders and a plan of specific legal actions. It is necessary to present the actual situation of those persons to confront the false information disseminated by lobbying groups that call themselves the representatives of those groups. To fight misinformation, lawyers will be filing lawsuits against individuals and organisations that undermine the reputation of the Republic of Poland in public, including MEP Sylwia Spurek, MP Małgorzata Prokop-Paczkowska and the Daily Mail newspaper.
MEP Sylwia Spurek has repeatedly and irrationally attacked the Polish State and the Polish nation in public. Respecting the freedom of speech and freedom of interpreting certain events, we do not seek any legal consequences for the opinions expressed by her, yet it is not acceptable that she should say things about Poland and Polish people that are not true, and Ordo Iuris intends to sue MEP Spurek for the latter. We intend to sue her for one particular statement that is misinforming and casts Poland in a very negative light: “Contrary to the claims made by the EC and PiS MEPs, LGBT-free zones actually exist and anti-LGBT resolutions are legally binding. Indeed, there are four court judgements stating that such zones and regulations violate the Polish and EU law. I expect the EC to launch the violation procedure in this matter.” Meanwhile, MP Prokop-Paczkowska accused Poles of taking part in the Holocaust: “What is happening now with the minorities in Poland, with the LGBT community, with women demanding their rights is the same as what so-called ‘true Poles’ did to Jews in the past, when they refused them their right to live and work in their own country. Then, they were happy when Adolf Hitler solved the Jewish problem. And then they pulled out their gold teeth even from their graves after death. And then, they caused the Kielce massacre and the slaughter in Jedwabne.” The British Daily Mail newspaper mentioned a “Polish death camp”. Similarly, the French ‘France Culture’ portal mentioned Poland’s alleged “responsibility for the crimes of the Third Reich” and published a photo of pre-war Gdansk with Third Reich flags along Długi Targ Street. The caption underneath said “Gdansk, Poland, April 1939”, even though Gdansk had not been part of Poland back then. The Institute will also sue the German citizen Hans G., who shouted to his Polish workers, among other things, that “he would kill all Poles” and that “he was a Nazi”. The Institute announced decisive legal action in all the above cases and presented the first of the lawsuits against the Daily Mail at a press briefing.
Another element of the Ordo Iuris Institute campaign is the report presented at the press briefing launching the campaign. The document reveals the falsehood of accusations made by LGBT activists. At the beginning, the report presents the results of research carried out by the European Union for Fundamental Rights. According to the research – contrary to the LGBT narrative – Poland is not a country with a higher number of cases of discrimination against persons because of their homosexual inclinations or gender identity disorders than other European States. Moreover, in many aspects the situation of those persons is much better in Poland than in most European countries. For example, cases of bullying or threatening, or hindering access to medical care or to employment are among the rarest in Europe.
The report also analyses a ranking of the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA), in which Poland is very far down the list of European countries in terms of “respecting the human rights” of persons with homosexual inclinations and gender identity disorders. As it turns out, most criteria analysed in the ranking are not relevant to human rights at all and are not required by binding international instruments. Rather, they form a detailed political agenda of LGBT activists and are their tool to achieve their arbitrary expectations.
According to another accusation analysed in the report, a negative change in public attitude towards the political postulates of LGBT activists came in the wake of an alleged political campaign targeted at persons with homosexual inclinations. In fact, the change followed repeated acts of provocation and profanation of patriotic and religious symbols (the national emblem, the images of Christ and Mary, a parody of the Eucharist) that continued for a number of months.
The part of the report concerning legal regulations determines that all the international commitments and EU legislation concerning discrimination prevention and other key areas have been implemented by Poland. Persons with homosexual inclinations or gender identity disorder have the same access to criminal law and civil law protection. They are in no way restricted in exercising their rights and freedoms, including the freedom of association, freedom of gathering or freedom of speech. It even seems that LGBT activists are a privileged group as far as freedom of speech is concerned. Nevertheless, they pursue legal changes that are intended to limit the freedom of speech of their opponents.
“Our programme is a response to a misinformation policy understood as a process of manipulating the cognitive processes of the recipients. It is a complex process because it often uses true statements enriched with false information. In this way, erroneous narratives are created, which are the first step in the success of misinformation. They deprive us, the consumers of information, of the freedom of evaluation,” says Attorney Jerzy Kwaśniewski, President of Ordo Iuris.
• The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has upheld complaints from same-sex couples who were denied a certificate of no impediment to marriage abroad by a Polish registry office.
• The ordeal of the Polish Klaman family, whose three children were taken away by Swedish officials with the permission of a Polish court on July 4, 2024, has been ongoing for seven months.
• The UN Independent Expert on protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity has published a statement summarizing his country visit to Poland.
• The purpose of the visit, undertaken at the invitation of the Polish government, was to identify the gaps in the protection against discrimination and suggest best practices for the government to eliminate all cases of violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.
The following updates and adds to an earlier list of violations that was published in October 2024.