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Ordo Iuris in Spain and Latin America

Published: 16.09.2022

Ordo Iuris

· The Ordo Iuris Institute (Instituto para la Cultura Jurídica Ordo Iuris) officially launched its activities in Spain with a conference at the headquarters of the Superior Council of the Spanish Bar in Madrid.

· The event was attended by lawyers, judges, academics and non-governmental representatives, entrepreneurs, journalists and politicians from Spain and Spanish-speaking countries favouring the new initiative.

· Leaders of Ordo Iuris Spain announced research, litigation and social initiatives favouring a revival of the respect of freedom and for family and life.

· Ordo Iuris Spain is launching its first initiatives and working closely with civil society organisations from the first offices in Madrid and Murcia.

· The Ordo Iuris branch announced legal support for NGOs and individuals who stand up for the values fundamental to Latin civilisation and for the defence of fundamental rights.

· The inauguration was attended by Ordo Iuris' existing partners from the Alliance for the Common Good and the Hungarian Centre for Fundamental Rights.

· The Institute had previously inaugurated its activities in Croatia and Ukraine. 


The inauguration was attended by the President of Ordo Iuris, Advocate Jerzy Kwaśniewski. In his speech, he drew attention to the problems facing contemporary civilisation.


- The new censorship, under the guise of political correctness or laws prohibiting hate speech, attempts to moderate public debate and democratic processes. Families are deprived of their elementary rights to raise their children according to their own convictions. The protection of life becomes illusory and arbitrary – noted president of Ordo Iuris.

Attorney Jerzy Kwasniewski stressed the need for international cooperation of all those who "defend freedom, property, family, life and faith" and understand the need to restore fidelity to the "universal principles of natural law". He also drew attention to the importance that Ordo Iuris had achieved during its nine years of activity. He recounted the numerous legal interventions, reports and analyses, the influence on the legislative process at national and international level and the scientific conferences. He assured of the support for the new initiative from the growing Collegium Intermarium community.

Attorney Juan Jose Liarte Pedreño, director of the Spanish branch of Ordo Iuris, pointed to the foundations of Western civilisation as Greek philosophy, Roman law and Christian ethics. He also noted that in the 21st century there is an increasingly intense confrontation between different values. He stressed the need to protect the natural law and to form leaders who will show the way forward in this field. Juan Jose Liarte also pointed out the vital importance that Ordo Iuris can achieve in the area of the fight for fundamental rights in Spain and Latin America.

Mr Pedreño and the co-founder of Ordo Iuris in Spain, Dr Álvaro Berrocal Sarnelli, stressed the importance of Ordo Iuris in Spain for the entire Spanish-speaking world, which needs a renewal of the common language of values and a revival of the systemic commitment to the foundations of Christian civilisation - freedom, family, respect for property and cultural identity.

Francisco de Asis Meroño, director of the Ordo Iuris Campaign for the Impartiality of Public Institutions, conducted with success in June this year, recalled the threat of the ideologisation of public administration, which leads to the undermining of constitutional principles derived from the natural social order.


The Ordo Iuris Institute in Spain is launching its activities and cooperation with social organisations, academia and public opinion leaders, using its offices in Madrid and Murcia.

The inauguration was also attended by representatives of groups that work closely with the Ordo Iuris Institute, including the international Alliance for Common Good and the Centre for Fundamental Rights from Hungary.

Institute Activity


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