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Ordo Iuris at the VI Transatlantic Summit for Freedom and a Culture of Life in Madrid

• On December 1-3, in the plenary hall of the Spanish Senate, members of the Political Network for Values from 45 countries, from the four continents bordering the Atlantic, met at the “VI Transatlantic Summit.” Among them were representatives of the Ordo Iuris Institute, which co-organized thi

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A blow to one of the fundamental rights. Spain criminalises public prayer

- Spanish authorities have banned public prayer, including the recitation of the rosary for the homeland. The decision is in response to mass protests by the population expressing opposition to the amnesty of Catalan separatists.

- States, by introducing legislation criminalising silent prayer, are violating the right to freedom of thought and conscience, which is a fundamental human right.

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Life protection


Spanish courts command to tell the truth about abortion

· The Supreme Court of Spain dismissed the cassation appeal and upheld a decision ordering the association of abortion clinics to remove untrue information and prohibit it from being published in the future.


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Ordo Iuris in Spain and Latin America

· The Ordo Iuris Institute (Instituto para la Cultura Jurídica Ordo Iuris) officially launched its activities in Spain with a conference at the headquarters of the Superior Council of the Spanish Bar in Madrid.

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Defense of fundamental rights in the Iberian Peninsula. Ordo Iuris begins operations in Spain

· The Ordo Iuris Institute started operating in Spain.

· The first initiative of the Institute in this country is a petition to the authorities of the Kingdom with an appeal to observe the neutrality of public institutions required by law and to refrain from displaying ideological symbols in offices.

· It is Ordo Iuris' third overseas branch. The previous ones were created in Croatia and Ukraine.

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Family and marriage


Strasbourg Court takes the mother’s side. The woman has the right to contact her child

The European Court of Human Rights allowed a Nigerian woman living in Spain to keep in touch with her son. The woman had fought for the right to visit her child regularly and for the suspension of his adoption for a few years.

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