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Stop using war for ideological purposes. Appeal to the Prime Minister

Published: 30.03.2022

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At the time when innocent people are being killed every day in Ukraine and millions are struggling to access to basic life needs, the leftist lobby is trying to increase the death toll and insists on introducing abortion on demand and on expanding the access to abortion pills.

A group of left-wing organizations prepared an appeal to the international community to introduce a legal order in Central European countries, including Poland, that is contrary to human rights. Such organizations as Amnesty International, All-Poland Women’s Strike or International Planned Parenthood Federation are among the signatories.

Also the Great Coalition for Equality and Choice (WKRW) bringing together 118 Polish social organizations, including the Federation for Women and Family Planning, Ponton Group, Women’s Rights Centre, Feminoteka or the Childbirth with Dignity Foundation appeals to the Minister of Health- Adam Niedzielski and the President of National Health Fund -Filip Nowak to support Polish gynecologists in terminating pregnancies for Ukrainian women.

We therefore urge the Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki and the Minister Adam Niedzielski to fully reject and publicly condemn the demands of the left-wing organizations which offer the women fleeing Ukraine from death threats to their children to take part in killing unborn Ukrainians, and which demand from the Polish government to abolish the current legal order to make that possible.


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• Andreas Kersten refused to stock and market the pill on the grounds of freedom of conscience.
• Since 2018, the Berlin Chamber of Pharmacy has been conducting proceedings against the pharmacist and the then-owner of Undine Pharmacy.
• In 2020, the Berlin Administrative Court acquitted the pharmacist, claiming that he had the right to follow his conscience.

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