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UN Human Rights Council: Appeal to Support Abortion and Feminist Movements

Published: 06.07.2022

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· The 50th session of the UN Human Rights Council is taking place in Geneva.

· During its lifetime, the Working Group on Discrimination against Women and Girls has presented its annual report on "Activism of Girls and Young Women".

· The publication makes clear recommendations to countries on, inter alia, abortion, contraception, acceptance of the claims of LGBT organizations or the abolition of "patriarchal and gender norms".

· The report also focuses on financial support for feminist activism.

The Working Group on Discrimination against Women and Girls was established in 2010 as a UN entity with the aim of eliminating discrimination against women "in law and in practice". This body annually conducts an interactive dialogue at the Human Rights Council during its June session. It also reports on the results of its activities to the UN General Assembly in October-November, and participates in the Women's Status Committee in March each year. The role of the Working Group is to set goals for future achievement on women's issues and national policy. The body directs states, non-governmental organizations and interested parties to the doctrine that motherhood is contrary to the human and social development of women, and that any type of sexual preference must be accepted as normal, in the name of the principle of non-discrimination.

The report presented this year covers many points related mainly to the concept of "unlimited self-determination", gender ideology and the dismantling of "stereotypical and patriarchal norms". In particular, the core of the report focuses on supporting - nationally and internationally - feminist activism by granting it funding and increasing access to United Nations mechanisms, using the involvement of young women as well as children. This includes making young women and children aware of their "human rights" and that "unwanted or childhood pregnancies [...]; limited access to sexual and reproductive health services, contraception and abortion […] are also major human rights barriers to activism for girls and young women ”.

- The aim of the report is not only to push states in certain directions, but to reformulate all levels of social and national culture in line with the principles of feminism and the goals of the LGBT lobby. During the Interactive Dialogue, which took place on June 17, 2022, Polish law was attacked by the Federation for Women and Family Planning, which reported that, despite the recommendations of the 2018 Working Group, women and girls in Poland still meet with threats, repression and criminalization for his activism, including for sexual rights ", while calling on the Polish state to provide all, without discrimination, access to sexual and reproductive health services" - emphasized Veronica Turetta, an analyst at the International Law Center of the Ordo Iuris Institute .

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