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Institute Activity


Report on Article 55a of the Act amending the Act on the Institute of National Remembrance

The world-wide discussion on the Polish draft law amending the Act on the Institute of National Remembrance - Commission for the Prosecution of Crimes against the Polish Nation (Sejm Paper no. 771) shows the difference between the letter of the law and its creative and often selective interpretation in the public debate. As a result, two contradictory positions have been visible in the comments on the bill.

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The OSCE to recognize Christians in Poland as a target of hate crimes based on statistics submitted by Ordo Iuris

The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe has just issued its next Hate Crime Report. For the first time, in its section on Poland the 2016 document has mentioned Christians as a separate target group of hate crime, with 19 reported cases, including 17 submitted to the OSCE by Ordo Iuris Institute.
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Norway to infringe the provisions of the Hague Convention

Norwegian authorities and the Norwegian Child Welfare Services (Barnevernet) have again embarked on the proceedings to decide by default upon depriving the mother of legal guardianship of her 10-month old daughter.  The mother is Silje Garmo who, with the assistance of Ordo Iuris, has filed an asylum claim in Poland. As Ordo Iuris jurists highlight such measures are incompatible with the provisions of the Hague Convention.
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Life protection


Ordo Iuris presents to the UN its position on the defense of life

On 6 October this year, Ordo Iuris Institute, joined by 17 pro-life organizations from Canada and Poland, submitted to the UN Human Rights Committee its position on the draft General Comment to Article 6 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

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Life protection


Ordo Iuris to the UN: instead of safeguarding, abortion destroys life!

The UN Human Rights Committee intends to rely on international safeguards of the right to life to establish a “pseudo-right” to abortion and euthanasia. In its new draft General Comment to Article 6 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the Committee divests the youngest children of legal protection and forces States to legalize euthanasia. Ordo Iuris Institute has launched the petition to exhort citizens to protect human dignity against the actions by left-wing activists who have colonized UN structures.
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Family and marriage


At the OSCE conference on pathologies related to the functioning Barnevernet

At the OSCE conference in Warsaw, the Ordo Iuris Institute organized a panel devoted to assessment of the functioning of the Norwegian Child Welfare Agency Barnevernet. Ordo Iuris experts pointed out the need to take steps to protect Norwegians seeking shelter in Poland as well as systemic support for Poles living in Norway today.
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