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Institute Activity


When liberals stop believing in democracy – A video interview with Polish journalist Paweł Lisicki

Polish journalist and essayist Paweł Lisicki, editor-in-chief of the weekly Do Rzeczy, describes the current disturbing evolution of Western liberalism and explains the reasons why classical liberalism, based on individual freedom and limited state interference in the personal lives of citizens, is no longer working.

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Civil liberties


A citizens’ initiative to protect children from pornography in Poland

• Consumption of pornographic content among children and adolescents is a growing problem and concerns those of younger and younger ages. 

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Civil liberties


European Court of Human Right’s “presumption of transsexuality” in new landmark judgment against Poland

• The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has ruled that Poland violated a prisoner's right to privacy because the prison where he was serving his sentence did not provide him with access to female hormones.


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Family and marriage


Poland’s Foreign Affairs Minister intervenes in case of four Polish girls taken away by Swedish social welfare

- Lawyers of the Ordo Iuris Institute received a response from the Minister of Foreign Affairs to a request for intervention in the Klaman family case.

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Life protection


Polish court gives priority to child’s right to life in dispute over frozen human embryo conceived through IVF

• The District Court in Radom has allowed the transfer of a child conceived through in vitro fertilisation (IVF) into the mother’s body.

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Family and marriage


Ordo Iuris Institute intervenes in case of Polish family whose four children were taken away by Swedish social welfare

• A Polish couple, who had previously fled to Poland to get away from the Swedish social services, contacted the lawyers of the Ordo Iuris Institute for help after their children had been taken away from them and brought to Sweden.

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