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Switzerland has appealed the Chamber decision in the case of Gross v. Switzerland

For several decades the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has taken an evolutive approach to the meaning of the European Convention on Human Rights, and the notion that the Convention is “a living instrument”1 now appears to be uncontested.

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Judge Allows Lawsuit Against Pastor for Opposing Homosexuality

A U.S. judge is allowing a lawsuit by a Ugandan homosexual group charging an Evangelical pastor with a “crime against humanity.”
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Marriage and “gender identity” before the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights

European Court of Human Rights decided to refer the case H. v. Finlandto the Grand Chamber of the Court, in order to conduct a retrial.
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First reading of the draft bill on gender harmonization withdrawn from 46th session of the Sejm

Chairman of the Sejm Ewa Kopacz announced on 23.07.2013 that, after consultation with the Council of Elders (Steering Committee of Sejm i.e. the lower Chamber of Polish Parliament)...
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Irregularities in the bill on gender harmonization as contained in Parliamentary File 1469.

Until July 20th there was an erroneous text of the Parliamentary File 1469 containing draft bill on gender harmonization introduced by the group of the envoys from new-left political party “Palikot Movement”.

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Life protection


Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe: no consensus on abortion

On July 3rd 2013, during its 1175th meeting, the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe officially admitted that it is incapable of answering the two following questions:...
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