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United nations

Life protection


Ideology under the guise of law – another attempt to introduce radical ideas at the UN

The United Nations forum will witness yet another attempt by radicals to try to push concepts such as sexual and reproductive rights, sex education and abortion into the international discourse.

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Life protection


UN push for “reproductive and sexual rights” partially stopped

The Third Committee of the UN General Assembly, which deals with social, humanitarian and cultural issues, adopted a series of resolutions on matters such as children’s, women’s and family rights.

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Life protection


Nairobi Summit – peak of misunderstanding

International attempts at undermining the protection of human life are becoming more frequent. One such attempt took place at the Nairobi Summit, attended by an Ordo Iuris delegation.

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Life protection


A stand for the defence of life and family at the United Nations forum. Ordo Iuris is participating in the Nairobi Summit

At the international UN summit in Nairobi, an attempt will be made to recognise abortion as a human right and to impose forced and vulgar sexual education on the countries.

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Family and marriage


Radical change in the definition of gender. Gender ideology may be put in the legally binding international treaty

A radical change in the interpretation of gender may take place during the UN General Assembly. The International Law Commission preparing the text of the new legally binding treaty has suggested to change the existing definition of gender.

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