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United nations

Life protection


Stop child trafficking. Petition to the UN on surrogacy

• An international coalition of NGOs has prepared a petition to the United Nations calling for action to combat surrogacy.

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Family and marriage


Caring for the welfare of the youngest – Ordo Iuris report for the UN

The 88th session of the Committee on the Rights of the Child is approaching – a unit of the United Nations whose task is to supervise the observance of the provisions of the Convention on the

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Family and marriage


Session of the Human Rights council overshadowed by ideology

● In June/July 2021, the 47th General Assembly of the United Nations Human Rights Council took place.

● The conference programme had mainly envisaged the discussion on the rights of women and their situation around the world.

● In reality, the meeting mainly focussed on the plans for the introduction of the gender ideology and the ideological concept of ‘reproductive and sexual rights’.

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Life protection


Anna Kubacka: Reinforcement of “feminist thinking” and promotion of gender ideology. Illusory consultation for UN report

The United Nations intend to announce yet another ideological document drawn up following consultation burdened with significant manipulation. During the 47th Session of the UN Human Rights Council, a report will be presented, prepared by the UN Independent Expert on violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, Victor Madrigal-Borloz.

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The life of a Pole endangered in a British hospital. Ordo Iuris intervenes in the UN

An English hospital decided to harvest organs of a Polish citizen who suffered from a heart attack in November last year. This happened despite the fact that the man remains in a minimally conscious state, opens his eyes and reacts to stimuli.

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Family and marriage


The unlimited number of “genders” smuggled in the draft treaty on the prosecution of crimes against humanity

The 75th United Nations General Assembly once again provides an opportunity to force radical proposals directed against the current order of international law. The International Committee on Legal Affairs has produced a report proposing a new Treaty on the prosecution of crimes against humanity. Apart from the unquestionable demands, the proposal rejects the UN-established neutral definition of gender as male and female gender in the social context.

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