Donald Tusk’s government – which is made up of a coalition of parties that, during their eight years in opposition (2015–2023), were determined to defend the principles of democracy and the rule of law – has now decided to push through the most pro-abortion agenda in Europe in Poland, regardless of Polish laws and the Constitution.
· The UN-affiliated Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) has assessed that Poland’s abortion laws are too strict and thus violate women’s rights.
On July 12, the Parliament of the Republic of Poland rejected by a majority vote a bill decriminalizing the killing of unborn children through abortion.
· The European Parliament adopted a resolution calling for the inclusion of the so-called right to abortion in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.
· The anti-life projects proposed by our ruling coalition are only the beginning of a political process leading to the normalisation of the mass killing of unborn children.
· The French law of 1974, which was only supposed to open the floodgates to prenatal killing for women in distress, in fact established a new legal foundation through which almost a quarter of a million children lose their lives in France every year.