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Life protection


Pro-life states increase fertility rates. The demographic situation after the repeal of Roe v. Wade

- A US research centre has published data showing that in the first six months of 2023, the number of births in some US states increased by an average of 2.3%.

- These are the states that restricted abortion after Roe v. Wade was overturned.

- These figures may be a good indication of how to mitigate the demographic crisis. However, they have been received coolly by left-wing circles in the US.

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Life protection


UN Committee statement declaring abortion a human right, contrary to international law

· The UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women has issued a statement that the right to abortion is a human right and derives from international law.

· Accordingly, this body recommends that all states parties decriminalise and legalise abortion and provide 'gender' sensitive education on 'sexual and reproductive health' and rights in this area.

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Life protection


Peru strengthens legal protection for the lives of unborn children

· The Peruvian Congress has passed a law recognising certain rights of unborn children.

· According to the act, the conceived child is "a subject of rights with the full status of a human person". Among other things, it has the right to "develop freely in the womb".

· Until now, the rights of unborn children were not mentioned in a separate act, but in the Peruvian Constitution and civil legislation.

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Family and marriage


International agreement to be signed soon. Poland's opposition to an ideological interpretation of concepts

- The partnership agreement between the EU and the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS) is due to be signed on 15 November.

- The adoption of the agreement could result in, among other things, the pushing of the concept of so-called reproductive and sexual rights or gender theory.

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Life protection


Ohio referendum. Voters will decide on the protection of life

- This Tuesday, the people of US Ohio will decide in a referendum whether so-called reproductive rights and the right to abortion will be written into the state constitution.

- The referendum is linked to the US Supreme Court's 2022 ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organisation, which confirmed that the US Constitution does not guarantee the so-called right to abortion.

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Life protection


French president's announcement to enshrine 'right to abortion' in French constitution. Will ignoring the law hurt?

Everyone is probably familiar with the Latin paremia from Roman law, "Ignorantia iuris nocet". The essence of this principle is that an individual, referred to in the literature as a subject of the law, cannot justify his or her actions or omissions by invoking ignorance of legal norms.

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