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Life protection


Report of the International Commission of Jurists: decriminalization of abortion, normalization of prostitution and drug abuse

The International Commission of Jurists recently published a report containing principles which, in its opinion, states should follow in the field of legislation concerning, among others, abortion, drug addiction, prostitution or sexual activities involving minors.

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Life protection


Strasbourg court rejects further complaints against Poland's ban on eugenic abortion

The European Court of Human Rights has once again rejected a series of complaints against Poland's ban on eugenic abortion, in effect since a 2020 Constitutional Court ruling. The applicants claimed that protecting the lives of disabled unborn children constitutes a form of torture and violates their right to privacy. The Court showed that they had not explained how specifically they were harmed by the ban, when most of them were not even pregnant. In total, the ECHR has received some 1,000 complaints in such cases.

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Life protection


We hit the illegal abortion underworld

With the participation of our lawyers, there has been a recent conviction of the first person supplying chemical abortifacients in Poland. Following the blow, we are preparing a strike against the illegal abortion underworld. Justyna W.'s case proves that law enforcement agencies are far more likely to take action against abortion criminals when notices point them to specific individuals who have been supplied with dangerous abortifacients.

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Protection of life, freedom of religion and national symbols - Ordo Iuris intervenes before the Strasbourg Court

- The Ordo Iuris Institute constantly monitors the activities of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg.

- Lawyers intervene as a "friend of the court" in cases that are important in terms of the right to life from conception to natural death, protection of the family, religious freedom or freedom of expression.

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Life protection


The Office of the President ignores the threat posed by attempts to impose a "right to abortion." Another appeal by Ordo Iuris

· The Ordo Iuris Institute has made its fourth appeal to the Office of the President of the Republic of Poland to oppose international recognition of abortion as a human right.

· Ordo Iuris points out that UN resolutions moving in this direction could become a binding international law norm for states, obliging them to expand access to abortion.

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