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european commission

Family and marriage


The Local Government Charter of Family Rights does not block financial support from the European Union

· LGBT organizations spread false information that the Partnership Agreement between Poland and the European Commission was supposed to contain "a provision prohibiting the financing of local governments that adopted Local Government Charter of Family Rights".

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Civil liberties


European Commission’s initiative on “hate speech” and “hate crime” may infringe constitutional freedoms

· The European Commission has brought forward a proposal to the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union to include “hate speech” and “hate crimes” in the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union as an “EU crime”.

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Family and marriage


Ordo Iuris responds to the European Commission’s allegations, siding with the LGBT movement

• The European Commission has filed a number of charges against Poland.

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Freedom of speech in jeopardy. European Commission to ban so-called hate speech

The European Commission intends to take action against freedom of speech. The EC initiative would incorporate the so-called ‘hate speech’ and ‘hate crimes’ in the catalogue of ‘EU crimes’. This means that they would be included in Article 83 (1) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union and, in this way, behaviours covered by these terms would be inevitably considered crimes by all EU Member States.

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Family and marriage


Stop gender, stand for family – an international petition against the adoption of Istanbul Convention by the European Union [VIDEO]

The new European Commission declared ratification of the ideological Istanbul Convention one of its top priorities. The document undermines the identity and autonomy of the family, limits parental rights and requires that the authorities eradicate "traditions and customs" regarding the roles of men and women while promoting "non-stereotyped" gender roles. Once the document is ratified, the UE will extend its powers without any basis in the treaties, being able to interfere with the field of family life.

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Life protection


The European Commission makes use of the requirement for protecting human rights to push forward ideological concepts

The right to life from conception, protection of the identity of marriage or parents’ right to raise their children in conformity with their own convictions may be at risk if the European Commission’s proposals enter into force.

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