- The European Parliament will vote on a draft resolution on fundamental rights in the European Union.
- The motion, among other things, condemns the impossibility of performing legal abortion, supports the extension of the list of EU crimes to include 'hate speech' and states that 'housing is not a commodity but a necessity'.
• The European Parliament supported proposals for changes to EU treaties.
- The Committee on Legal Affairs and the Committee on Constitutional Affairs of the European Parliament have, by an overwhelming majority, adopted a Report on the primacy of Community law over the national laws of the Member States.
- The report contains recommendations recommending, inter alia, that the principle should be enshrined in the EU treaties in order to give it greater legal force.
- A group of left-wing MEPs has prepared several hundred amendments to the treaties expanding the powers of the European Union and weakening the role of member states.
- The proposals would allow the EU to promote gender ideology, influence the content of school curricula, and dictate solutions to states on environmental protection, abortion or the fight against discrimination.
· A conference was held today at the European Parliament in Brussels. "Let's stop child trafficking."
· The event was organized by MEP Alessandra Basso, in cooperation with the Italian organization Pro Vita&Famiglia.
· The European Parliament has passed a resolution agreeing to conclude the Istanbul Convention in its entirety for EU institutions and in part for member states.
· The document is controversial due to some provisions promoting gender ideology.
· The EU's accession to the convention would allow EU institutions to impose financial penalties on countries for "inadequate" implementation of its provisions.