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European Parliament

Civil liberties


The principle of the primacy of EU law soon in the Treaties?

- The Committee on Legal Affairs and the Committee on Constitutional Affairs of the European Parliament have, by an overwhelming majority, adopted a Report on the primacy of Community law over the national laws of the Member States.

- The report contains recommendations recommending, inter alia, that the principle should be enshrined in the EU treaties in order to give it greater legal force.

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Civil liberties


United States of Europe? Draft amendments to EU treaties

- A group of left-wing MEPs has prepared several hundred amendments to the treaties expanding the powers of the European Union and weakening the role of member states.

- The proposals would allow the EU to promote gender ideology, influence the content of school curricula, and dictate solutions to states on environmental protection, abortion or the fight against discrimination.

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Family and marriage


Against surrogacy and imposing recognition of homoadoption - Ordo Iuris at European Parliament conference

· A conference was held today at the European Parliament in Brussels. "Let's stop child trafficking."

· The event was organized by MEP Alessandra Basso, in cooperation with the Italian organization Pro Vita&Famiglia.

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Family and marriage


Istanbul Convention adopted by EU only in part, without provisions promoting gender ideology

· The European Parliament has passed a resolution agreeing to conclude the Istanbul Convention in its entirety for EU institutions and in part for member states.

· The document is controversial due to some provisions promoting gender ideology.

· The EU's accession to the convention would allow EU institutions to impose financial penalties on countries for "inadequate" implementation of its provisions.

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Life protection


European Parliament demands Poland withdraw ban on eugenic abortion - EP annual report

· The European Parliament has adopted the resolution "Report on human rights and democracy in the world and the European Union's policy in this regard - Annual Report 2022."

· In an attempt to pursue an ideological agenda, the EP makes mutually exclusive demands in its report.

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Civil liberties


European Parliament favors establishment of tribunal on crimes of aggression against Ukraine

· The European Parliament has adopted a resolution calling for the establishment of a tribunal for crimes of aggression against Ukraine.
· The new tribunal would deal exclusively with the crime of aggression against Ukraine and would complement the International Criminal Court. 
· The ICC has jurisdiction to try war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by Ukraine, but cannot rule on the crime of Russia's aggression against Ukraine itself.  

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