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European Parliament

Life protection


Anna Kubacka: 'Their body, their choice' - EP tries to interfere with internal US legislation

· During the current plenary session, the European Parliament adopted a resolution on a Texas state law restricting the practice of abortion.

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Civil liberties


EC federalisation plans threaten sovereignty of states - Ordo Iuris at the ECR meeting

· Representatives of the Ordo Iuris Institute took part in the meeting of the European Conservatives and Reformists Working Group on Institutional Reform.

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Family and marriage


Anna Kubacka: The FEMM Committee wants ‘gender-based violence’ to be recognised as a European crime

• The European Parliament Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality (FEMM) voted for  submitting a draft resolution to the PE which was designed to elicit changes in the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) and to result in adoption of a new directive.

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Life protection


CJEU fails the test of the rule of law and respect for the right to a trial

• The Court of Justice of the European Union refused to consider the complaint of the Ordo Iuris Institute against the European Parliament resolution on the de facto ban on abortion in P

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Life protection


The EP has adopted the Matić report. It is a clear declaration of the direction chosen by the EU

• A debate was held in the European Parliament concerning the ‘Matić report’, which claims abortion is a human right and calls for limiting the freedom of conscience and banning any criticism of the ideological concept of ‘sexual rights’.

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Family and marriage


Stop the imposition of ‘reproductive and sexual rights’

The European Parliament is demanding that the European Union impose the concept of ‘reproductive and sexual rights’ on all Member States and that foetal homicide be recognised as a human right. It does so despite the fact that Member States have never agreed to add this type of construct into international law, and despite the fact that the European Union has no competence in the field of human health policy.

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