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European Union

Family and marriage


The latest steps towards the spread of the abortion and LGBTIQ agenda in more than half of the UN member states: The European Union's attempt to use the post-Cotonou Agreement to interfere in the policies of Southern countries

· The Post-Cotonou Agreement between the European Union and 79 African, Caribbean and Pacific States (ACP) has been negotiated with the aim of replacing the previous 20-year economic accord among the two blocs of countries.

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Civil liberties

Commentary to selected proposals of the Conference on the Future of Europe

This report comments on a large part of the recommendations made at the Conference. The issues dealt with are of particular importance for Poland’s sovereignty and Polish constitutional identity.


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Family and marriage


The EU uses the economic dependence of poorer countries to impose ideological demands

· The European Union aims to sign a new partnership agreement with the Organization of African, Caribbean and Pacific States - the ACP.

· In addition to the economic dimension, the agreement attempts to impose ideological content related to the undefined or hidden meaning of the concepts of "reproductive and sexual rights and health" or "gender".

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Family and marriage


There are no "LGBT-free zones" in Poland. Ordo Iuris Memorandum for MEPs

· The Ordo Iuris Institute provided MEPs with a memorandum on alleged "LGBT free zones" in Poland.

· The document is a response to the recordings published by the European Parliament on the occasion of the "International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobia and Transphobia".

· The spots have repeatedly mentioned false information about the existence of alleged "LGBT free zones" and "anti-LGBT law".

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Ordo Iuris in Strasbourg against the federalisation of the European Union

· The Conference on the Future of Europe organized in the European Union over the last year has come to an end. Its final recommendations lead to further federalization of the EU.

· This topic was the subject of a conference organized at the European Parliament in Strasbourg by the European Parliamentary Group Identity and Democracy.

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Family and marriage


Parlament Europejski potwierdza, że jego rezolucje nie mają charakteru wiążącego

· The European Parliament presented its position in the proceedings before the Court of Justice of the European Union concerning the EP resolution "on the first anniversary of the effective ban on abortion in Poland".

· Proceedings were initiated following a complaint by the Ordo Iuris Institute.

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