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Family and marriage


A paedophile molesting a Polish child in Norway remains unpunished

The Ordo Iuris Institute is representing a Polish child who fell victim to a paedophile in Norway.

The Norwegian authority for children – Barnevernet – took the child away from his parents solely on the basis of unverified information about alleged domestic violence.

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Family and marriage


European Court of Human Rights takes account of Ordo Iuris opinions in family matters

• The ECHR issued a further three judgments in which is directly referred to the ‘amicus curiae’ opinions sent by the Institute. 

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Family and marriage


Iceland did not break the law by refusing to register two ‘mothers’

• The Strasbourg Court rejected the complaint of a female couple claiming that their right to respect for family life had been violated by Iceland’s refusal to recognise them as the mothers of a child born to a commercial arrangement with an American surrogate.

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Family and marriage


Stop redefining parenthood by EU. International coalition of pro-family organisations

The European Commission intends to implement a regulation demanding from Member States to acknowledge foreign adoptions of children by single-sex partnerships. However, the EU is not competent to interfere in family law.

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Family and marriage


Together in the defence of fundamental values. International conference on the Geneva Consensus Declaration

Effective life and family protection requires joint actions at an international level. This issue was discussed at the conference on the Geneva Consensus Declaration.

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Family and marriage


European Commission’s unlawful attempt at interfering in family law. Petition of Ordo Iuris

The European Union announced works on a document demanding from Member States to acknowledge foreign adoptions of children by single-sex partnerships. According to EC plans, such provisions could be implemented as a regulation, which would be binding on all EU members. This would be contrary to the national law of several states, including Poland. The Ordo Iuris Institute has drawn up a petition to the EC authorities calling for them to abandon these plans.

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