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Family and marriage


Threat to family autonomy. EC working on integrated child protection systems

- The European Commission has published a call for comments on an initiative on integrated child protection systems.

- Consultations with private and public sector actors are due to end on October 20.

- The Ordo Iuris Institute is monitoring the Commission's work on the compatibility of the proposed regulations with the provisions of the Treaties.

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Family and marriage


Culture as a way to overcome the demographic crisis. International scientific conference

· In recent years, there has been an increasing amount of discussion about how to overcome the demographic crisis.

· Many commentators see solutions to the problem in political and social programs.

· The Ordo Iuris Institute and Collegium Intermarium are organizing an international scientific conference to present the cultural aspects of the demographic crisis and possible measures in this area to improve the situation.

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Family and marriage


Norwegian parents detained in Warsaw. Ordo Iuris intervention in defense of the family

· Two Norwegians have been detained and questioned by police in Warsaw, in connection with a European Arrest Warrant issued by Norwegian authorities.

· The reason for the Norwegian children's agency Barnevernet's interest in the family was allegations of the mother's alleged addiction, which would endanger the daughter for whom she has custody.

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Family and marriage


"Ideology leads societies down a dead end" - Ordo Iuris at international conference in Lithuania

· The Lithuanian Movement of Families held an international conference in Vilnius this past weekend entitled. "Standing up for natural rights, let's save Europe together."

· The discussion at the event focused on emphasizing the value of the family and the fundamental right of parents to raise their children according to their own beliefs, as well as the dangers accompanying them due to technological advances, globalization and the promotion of gender ideology.

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Life protection


Children safe with mother. Successful intervention in the case of a family that fled Norway

· The Braniewo District Court ruled that there were no grounds for interfering with the parental authority of the parents of three children who had been taken from Norway by the children's agency, Barnevernet, two years earlier.

· After winning cases in Norwegian courts, the mother returned to Poland with her children in August 2022.

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Protection of life, freedom of religion and national symbols - Ordo Iuris intervenes before the Strasbourg Court

- The Ordo Iuris Institute constantly monitors the activities of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg.

- Lawyers intervene as a "friend of the court" in cases that are important in terms of the right to life from conception to natural death, protection of the family, religious freedom or freedom of expression.

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