The new European Commission declared ratification of the ideological Istanbul Convention one of its top priorities. The document undermines the identity and autonomy of the family, limits parental rights and requires that the authorities eradicate "traditions and customs" regarding the roles of men and women while promoting "non-stereotyped" gender roles. Once the document is ratified, the UE will extend its powers without any basis in the treaties, being able to interfere with the field of family life.
The European Commission intends to adopt an extremely ideological document which will negatively impact the family and social norms under the guise of combating violence. The Istanbul Convention undermines the right of parents to raise their children according to their own beliefs and regards traditional gender roles as a ‘source of violence’. In practice, the implementation of this act by the EU authorities will result in its primacy over national laws, despite the fact that the area it regulates lies outside of EU’s competencies.
Poland submitted a comprehensive report on the implementation of the Istanbul Convention to the Monitoring Committee (GREVIO). It describes in detail all the legal measures and programs in place in Poland aimed at combating domestic violence.
The impact of public institutions on the family is an issue that generates many discussions.
In many countries, the development of the welfare state has not only responded to the problems of groups requiring support, but also unexpectedly created new challenges for the proper functioning of society.
The Hungarian parliament adopted a declaration calling on the government to refrain from ratifying the Istanbul Convention. The MPs opposed the introduction of gender ideology into law, claiming that it diverges from the beliefs held by most Hungarians.