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Geneva Consensus Declaration – an important day for the protection of life in Poland and worldwide

Published: 22.10.2020

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Today’s judgement of the Polish Constitutional Court, which states that the so-called ‘eugenic premise’ for the admissibility of abortion is incompatible with the Polish Constitution, is a real improvement in the standard of life protection in Poland and equates the rights of healthy and disabled children. This is an opportunity not only for Poland, but also for many countries that expect such a strong testimony of respect for human rights and human dignity.


However, this is not the only event contributing to the protection of life that has taken place today. On the initiative of the American administration, an international ceremony to sign the Geneva Declaration of Consensus was held at 5 p.m. Polish time, and the signatories undertook to commit themselves to protecting life and strengthening families. A representative of the Ordo Iuris Institute took part in the event at the direct invitation of the US Department of Health.


The event was initiated by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and US Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar. The document is an ideological declaration of states that are striving to restore the true meaning of the concept of human rights. The pillars of the declaration are:

  • concern for women’s health;
  • protecting human life;
  • strengthening the family as the basic unit of society;
  • defending the sovereignty of nations in creating their own life protection policies.


On behalf of Ordo Iuris, Filip Furman, PhD, Director of the Centre for Social Sciences and Bioethics, took part in the event and commented on the day:


‘Today’s judgement of the Constitutional Court was delivered on the same day as the signing of the Geneva Consensus Declaration. These two events, which confirm the protection of life, are a breakthrough on a European and global scale. It is particularly important that over 30 countries have declared common values. They will form a strong coalition, thanks to which it will be possible to defend fundamental human rights, which have recently been undermined in international fora.’


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The Ordo Iuris Institute is an independent research and litigation center that shapes the social debate as a defender of life, family, freedom, and Poland’s Christian heritage. By providing legal professionalism, scholarly activities, education, and precedent-setting litigation intervention, we strengthen both national and international guarantees of fundamental rights and freedoms.

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