Published: 02.12.2022
- Representatives of the Ordo Iuris Institute met in Prague with European and American experts and delegations of other NGOs to discuss current challenges to the defense of human life and the family.
- The meeting was attended by representatives of the Alliance for the Common Good - a coalition of pro-family organizations from Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Italy and Hungary.
- At the end of the event, the Alliance published a statement pointing out the need for legal protection of marriage and family, in the face of attacks from leftist ideologues.
The Alliance for the Common Good is a European network of NGOs and think tanks launched in 2021 by Czech, Slovak, Polish, Italian and Hungarian social organizations to defend the traditional values of Western civilization. The Alliance's common mission is to protect human dignity and inalienable rights, which cannot be relativized, and which safeguard and defend societies and individuals against totalitarian ideologies. Accordingly, Alliance members strongly support true freedom - freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, freedom to express one's national and religious identity in the national and international arenas, and the responsibility that comes with it. The coalition is made up of the Ordo Iuris Institute, Hungary's Alapjogokért Központ, Slovakia's Inštitút pre ľudské práva a rodinnú politiku, the Czech Alliance Pro Rodinu and Italy's Nazione Futura.
Alliance representatives met in Prague. The two-day event was also attended by representatives of pro-family groups from other European countries and the US. At the end of the meeting, the Alliance released a statement.
In it, the coalition points out that in recent decades "progressive and neo-Marxist forces have sought to dismantle and relativize our religious and national identities, as well as those related to family life and sexuality." The goal of these efforts, the statement said, was to create an "atomized society" that is "easy to manipulate." The alliance stresses that attacks seeking to "destroy the institution of the Family and marriage and relativize our biological characteristics" have intensified in recent yearsatch.
- The spread of LGBT and gender ideology has become increasingly strong, sparing neither schools nor underage children. This trend is not only contrary to our centuries-old traditions and the interests of our nations, but also defies common sense, as it causes irreparable damage to our countries, our families and our children, the statement reads.
These phenomena can only be stopped "through concerted action," the coalition leaders point out. The alliance also stresses that "our nations are based on the Family as the basic social cell, the foundation of which is marriage." The coalition also recalled the essence of marriage being "the loving union of one man and one woman." It also pointed out the need to protect the right of parents to raise their children in accordance with their own beliefs, resulting in the fact that "it is unacceptable to sensitize minors to any manifestation of LGBT and gender ideology without the prior knowledge and consent of the parents, whether as part of the official school curriculum or through NGO activism." The Alliance further stressed that "the European institutions have no mandate to interfere, directly or indirectly, in the legislation of member states on family and marriage."
- The formation of an international coalition that confronts projects that target the fundamental values of European civilization strengthens the effectiveness of our work in this area. We are committed to increasing the participation of conservative organizations in European public debate and decision-making processes not only within the European Union, but also at the United Nations and its agencies. Hence, we are in the process of developing several joint strategic projects, which we will inform you about in the coming months," commented Weronika Przebierała, director of the Ordo Iuris Center for International Law.
· During its first reading, the Polish Sejm referred the citizens’ bill on protecting minors from online pornography to committee work.
• The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has upheld complaints from same-sex couples who were denied a certificate of no impediment to marriage abroad by a Polish registry office.
• The Polish Supreme Court has refused to hear a cassation appeal filed by IKEA in the case of Janusz Komenda, an employee fired for criticizing the demands of the LGBT movement.