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The defeat of "Atlas of Hate" and the victory of truth

The European Commission has been conducting a special "infringement procedure" against Poland since July 2021. EU officials claimed that Poland was discriminating against people with homosexual tendencies and experiencing "gender identity" disorders. Evidence of this discrimination was to be found in alleged "LGBT-free zones." This is an obvious lie by the LGBT activists themselves, who, by the way, openly boasted on social media that thanks to them the Commission is screening Poland.

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Family and marriage


Bulgaria's Supreme Court: judicial "sex change" is impossible

· Bulgaria's Supreme Court has ruled that "gender reassignment" through legal proceedings is inadmissible under Bulgaria's current state of the law.

· The Supreme Court stressed that "gender is recognized at birth and defines a person until death."

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Family and marriage


European Commission step toward forcing states to recognize same-sex parenthood

· The European Commission has drafted an EU regulation that would make it compulsory for EU states to recognize each other's decisions establishing parenthood.

· As a result, Poland would be obliged to recognize the legal force of a document certifying same-sex parenthood.

· The EU regulations are directly applicable - their provisions do not require implementation into the national legal order.

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Family and marriage


ECHR Grand Chamber ruling may force Poland to institutionalize same-sex unions - Ordo Iuris analysis

- In early 2023. The Grand Chamber of the Strasbourg Court found a violation of the right to respect for private and family life of a group of same-sex couples due to the inability to formalize their relationship.

- The Ordo Iuris Institute has prepared an analysis in which it points out that although the Grand Chamber's judgment is formally addressed to the Russian Federation, in practice it may affect Poland and other European countries.

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Family and marriage


ECHR Grand Chamber: all Council of Europe states have an obligation to institutionalize same-sex unions

· The Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg has ruled that Council of Europe states have an obligation "to legally recognize and protect same-sex unions."
· The Grand Chamber upheld a contested 2021 ECHR ruling, which indicated that denying same-sex couples the opportunity to enter into "marriage," or at least a formal union, would violate Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights.

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Family and marriage


Freedom of religion vs. ideology: the right to freedom of religion and belief contrasted with "sexual orientation" and "gender identity" in UN report

· The UN Independent Expert on Protection against Violence and Discrimination on the basis of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity is gathering information from states and civil society on how the protection of freedom of religion or belief affects the freedom of "sexual orientation" and "gender identity."

·The information gathered will be used to compile a report to be presented at the 53rd session of the UN Human Rights Council in June 2023.

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