The District Prosecutor’s Office in Warszawa-Praga refused to investigate the attempted murder of the LGBT activist Maja G. alias “Lu”. In October 2020, the woman posted a comment on her Facebook profile that someone had allegedly tried to push her under a tram. Supposedly, the reason was that she identified herself with the LGBT ideology.
LGBT activist Bartosz Staszewski once again placed deceitful signs informing about the alleged 'LGBT-free zones' at the entrances to the villages where pro-family resolutions were adopted.
Polish local governments that have adopted pro-family resolutions are still being attacked by LGBT activists.
The European Commission intends to launch the first LGBT Equality Strategy, whose aim will be to promote the LGBT ideology in Member States. The Strategy will contain demands, among others granting same-sex cohabiting couples with the privileges of married couples, including adoption.
Based on fake news fabricated by LGBT activists about the alleged “LGBT-free zones”, representatives of the Committee on Democracy, Human Rights and Humanitarian Questions of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly have criticised Poland, claiming it violates the rights of people wit
Two representatives of the European Commission sent a letter to the Marshals of the Lublin, Łódź, Małopolskie, Podkarpackie and Świętokrzyskie Provinces, in which they claim that the authorities of these regions discriminate against specific social groups by adopting pro-family resolutions