The European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg rejected the complaints of two midwives from Sweden who were not employed in a hospital because of their opposition to participate in performing abortions.
The Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality of the European Parliament called on all EU member states to finance pro-abortion organisations in its draft opinion on a project currently being worked on by the European Parliament.
International attempts at undermining the protection of human life are becoming more frequent. One such attempt took place at the Nairobi Summit, attended by an Ordo Iuris delegation.
At the international UN summit in Nairobi, an attempt will be made to recognise abortion as a human right and to impose forced and vulgar sexual education on the countries.
The Ordo Iuris Institute intervenes as an amicus curiae in leading cases heard by the European Tribunal of Human Rights in Strasbourg. Their resolution may have a significant influence on the legal systems of the member states of the Council of Europe, including Poland.