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life protection

Life protection


The WHO aims to promote abortion and sex education, Poland remains silent

The World Health Organisation has been striving to pass an international abortion right and undermine the primary role of parents in the upbringing and education of children for years.

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Life protection


Poland insufficiently protects the lives of unborn children - Ordo Iuris conference

There are many myths about the legal protection of life in the public space. One of them is the claim that Poland, in comparison to most countries of the world, protects the life of unborn children very well. This was the topic of a press conference of the Ordo Iuris Institute.

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Life protection

Analysis of the Guatemalan act on the protection of life and family (draft law no. 5272) and Guatemala's previous activities for the protection of conceived life

With a population of 16 million, Guatemala confirms its position as the leader of the Americas in the protection of human life at the prenatal stage of development.

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Life protection


Guatemala for protecting the lives of conceived children and against abortion propaganda

Guatemala confirms its high rank in the sphere of protection of human life. Abortion has been banned there for many years (with a guarantee of saving the mother's life, if threatened) by the Criminal Code and the Constitution.

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Ordo Iuris demands reaction from UN High Commissioner in the case of Alfie Evans

Taking advantage of the special consulting status bestowed by The UN Economic and Social Council, Ordo Iuris calls for the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad Al-Hussein to take a stand against a series of human and children’s rights violations which took place in the case of Alfie Evans.

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Life protection


Ordo Iuris defends in the UN the disabled children’s right to life

The Ordo Iuris institute has submitted a special report to the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in order to direct its attention to the issues surrounding the lives of disabled children before birth and the insufficient protection of their lives in the Polish legislation.


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