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European Commission to inspect implementation of ideological demands

Published: 10.11.2022

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· The European Commission has launched an initiative to review the implementation of Agenda 2030 and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by European Union member states.

· The 2030 Agenda is a roadmap with an agenda for solving the world's most pressing - in the assumption of its authors - economic, social and environmental problems.

· In reality, it is an extremely powerful political tool for putting pressure on UN countries, and among the Sustainable Development Goals are tasks that attempt to push for, among other things, access to abortion.

· Poland has so far been implementing the SDGs without succumbing to ideological pressure from the EU and other organizations, working through, among other things, programs for prenatal care.

· The Ordo Iuris Institute has provided the EC with an opinion on the planned initiative and Poland's implementation of the SDGs.

The European Commission is holding a public consultation on the initiative "Voluntary EU Review on the Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development," under which it plans to look at and assess the implementation of individual Sustainable Development Goals by EU member states and the EU itself.

Significant doubts have already been raised about the very form of adoption of the Agenda 2030 report, as already at the first stage of its creation many countries clearly opposed the inclusion of "reproductive rights" and "sexual and reproductive health" in the SDGs. What's more, twenty countries, including the Holy See and a group of Arab states, opposed to the inclusion of these controversial concepts in the SDGs. In the end, the document was adopted by acclamation.

Among the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals are Tasks 3.7 and 5.6 on women's health, under which the state should guarantee women and girls universal and effective access to "sexual and reproductive health" services, as well as ensure the effective exercise of "reproductive rights." International organizations have already made repeated attempts, so far unsuccessful, to include the so-called right to abortion within the scope of these terms. In the absence of a legal definition of the aforementioned terms, their area is determined differently by individual UN states. An example of this is Poland, which, as part of the implementation of Objectives 3.7 and 5.6, taking measures aimed at protecting women's procreative health, has launched such programs focused on prenatal care or better medical services for pregnant women.  The European Commission's attempt to assess the implementation of the SDGs may signify an intention to influence their future implementation by Poland and other countries, which have so far resisted attempts to smuggle into the SDGs an ideological understanding of certain provisions (especially those related to procreative rights or equality).

"The example of Poland with regard to goals 3, 5, but also others, shows that the SDGs can be implemented effectively and efficiently without succumbing to ideological pressure. Poland is actively working to implement the Sustainable Development Goals adopted as part of Agenda 2030. Moreover, Poland can be considered an example of effective implementation of the SDGs while maintaining its legal, cultural and social identity. The projects implemented by Poland do not serve a narrow group of people with specific characteristics, but, as a rule, affect the whole society, leveling inequalities, difficulties and problems realistically affecting Polish families and individual citizens. It is worth preserving this direction," commented Anna Kubacka of the Ordo Iuris Center for International Law.

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· This draft may raise concerns due to its extremely broad definition of ‘violence’, as well as the government’s mandate to censor ‘offensive’ online content or its obligation to combat ‘harmful gender stereotypes’.

· The directive may also entail a restriction of the presumption of innocence in cases of sexual offences, by indirectly presuming a man’s guilt.

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