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Family and marriage


Further violations of parents' rights in Norway. The Strasbourg Court issued its ruling

The European Court of Human Rights has once again ruled that Norway has violated parents' rights. The cases concern two families broken up by the child protection office - Barnevernet, on the basis of false accusations of mental problems of the parents.

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Family and marriage


Pro-family local governments will not lose EU funding. Blackmail from the LGBT movement groundless

In recent months, LGBT activists have engaged in various practices aimed at reducing the number of Polish local governments adopting the Local Government Charter of Family Rights.

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Family and marriage


Are there LGBT-free zones in Poland? Report

A group of pro-LGBT political activists has published an “Atlas of hate”, which includes a map of local governments which, according its authors, have proclaimed themselves “LGBT-free zones”.

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Family and marriage


The Croatian Constitutional Court considers the demands of the LGBT movement against the will of the people

In Croatia, there is considerable public support for the protection of marriage as a union between a man and a woman, as confirmed by the 2013 referendum.

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Dr Tymoteusz Zych - The need for structural reforms in the European Union

Over the past several years, we have experienced growing dissatisfaction with the current model of European integration. While the most notable example of this trend was the Brexit referendum, at the moment it took place the UK was not the most strongly anti-EU country.

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Family and marriage


"How to effectively protect family, marriage and human life in the modern world" - the meeting with Ordo Iuris experts

"How to effectively protect family, marriage and human life in the modern world" - that is the subject of the meeting with Ordo Iuris experts, which will take place in New York.

The event will be attended by:

- dr Tymoteusz Zych - Vice President of Ordo Iuris

- Monika Leszczyńska - Membership Director

March 10 at 7:30 P.M.

St. Stanislaus Church

101E 7th street

Manhattan, New York

The meeting will be in Polish.

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