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The High Court must investigate the political intervention by Boris Johnson banning a Christian advertisement

In a politically sensitive judgment, the Master of the Rolls, Sir John Dyson, has ruled that the High Court must investigate the political intervention by Boris Johnson banning a Christian advertisement which was deemed by Stonewall and Transport for London to be ‘anti-gay’.
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The Council of Europe called on the issue of late abortions

The Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe will have to address in the coming says the “issue of late abortions”, answering a written question submitted last January 31st.
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The European Commission has supported the position of the European Parliament regarding “Reproductive health”

On the 16. of January during the morning plenary session of the European Parliament, in connection with the submission by the European Commission's "Statement of non-discrimination in the context of sexual and reproductive health and rights in this area (SRHR)", held a parliamentary debate on that issue.
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The Cross in the Polish Parliament defended

On 9 December 2013 Court of Appeals in Warsaw upheld a District Court judgment from 14th January refusing far-left politicians’ claims. They blamed the cross hanging in the plenary hall of Sejm (lower chamber of the Polish Parliament) to be an infringement of the freedom of religion and having an offensive character for them as for atheists. According to the Court, presence of religious symbols in public square e.g. in Sejm does not infringe freedom of religion neither may be considered as a personal offence.

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Estrela report rejected: Massive popular protest wins over well-funded lobby groups at the European Parliament

A majority of the European Parliament have just rejected the highly controversial report (with 334 votes in favour, 327 against and 35 abstentions).
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Law on the Foreigners

The Senate is currently considering the new Law on the Foreigners.
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