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Civil liberties


The Norwegian authorities have violated international consular law

The Norwegian authorities accuse the Polish consul of "aggressively obstructing the work of officials and disobedience to the police".

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Life protection


Theses of pro-abortion activists as one of the grounds for accusing Poland of violating the law

The European Parliament adopted the report of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) on the rule of law fact-finding mission in Poland. LIBE members held a series of discussions on the reforms of the judiciary and related disputes in Poland in recent years. However, during its visit to Warsaw, the Commission went beyond the framework of the rule of law control procedure, touching upon i.a.

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Family and marriage


Silje Garmo gets asylum - the success of Ordo Iuris

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has granted asylum to Silje Garmo. The Norwegian, together with her daughter, escaped from her home country to protect herself and the child from the Children's Office (Barnevernet). The lawyers of Ordo Iuris represented Silje Garmo before the Polish authorities in matters related to asylum protection. Thousands of Poles have given their support to the woman by signing a petition on this matter. Polish and foreign media have become interested in the fate of the Norwegian.
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Family and marriage


The European Parliament condemns discrimination against parents by the Jugendamt

The European Parliament adopted a resolution on the role of the German Children and Youth Office (Jugendamt) in cross-border family disputes. This document is the first such decisive act of the EU institutions, condemning systemic discrimination of parents from other countries by the German state. At the same time, after the June resolution of the Council of Europe, it is another case of an international organization criticizing unjustified separation of children from their parents. The Ordo Iuris Institute has prepared an analysis of the EP document.
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Hundreds of hate crimes against Christians in Europe - OSCE report

In recent years there have been numerous acts of hostility towards Christians in Poland and other countries. They are described in the latest report of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe on hate crimes. It takes into account crimes reported by Ordo Iuris against Christians in Poland.

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Life protection


The UN urge the member states to support abortion

The United Nations order the states that have ratified the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (including Poland) to guarantee the "right to abortion".

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