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ECHR: Respect for the Church’s freedom justifies the non-recognition by the State of a priests’ union

This July 9, 2013, in the case Sindicatul "Păstorul cel Bun" v. Romania (No. 2330/09), the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights delivered a highly anticipated judgment about the freedom of churches to operate under their own rules...
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Swiss Ministry of Justice declared it is going to submit a motion for the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights in case of Alda Gross

Alda Gross is eighty-two Swiss citizen who wants to commit assisted suicide. Although not suffering from any clinical illness, she submitted that, being over 80, she is unwilling to continue suffering the decline of her physical and mental faculties
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OSCE Parliamentary Assembly rejected a proposal for considering resolution advancing LGBT agenda

During its 22nd Session in Istanbul on June 29th the Standing Committee of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly refused to include a project for Resolution 26 in the Plenary Session Agenda.
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Family and marriage


Nearly 120 000 of letters protesting against agenda for homosexual-capuls reached Chancery of the Prime Minister

Chancery of the Polish Prime Minister discloused information about the number of protests which it had received since the 1st Januray this year.

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Theory of Gender in school: An issue has been referred to the Council of Europe

A written question addressing the will of the French Government to ‘deconstruct gender stereotypes’ in school for all children aged 6 and over, has been referred to the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on the 4th of June 2013.
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Ordo Iuris submitted opinion on the National Program for Equal Treatment for 2013-2015

Ordo Iuris submitted comments on the draft on goverment's National Program for Equal Treatment for 2013-2015.

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