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Conscientious Objection: Complaint against Sweden declared admissible

On 10 September the European Committee on Social Rights declared FAFCE's collective complaint against Sweden in favour of conscientious objection for medical staff admissible.
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The European Parliament about to vote on “gendercide”

On 8 October the European Parliament will vote on the Report “Gendercide: the missing women?”.
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The European Parliament adopted a resolution on Gendercide. Important amendments rejected.

The report condemns abortion when it is based on pre-natal sex selection and recalls that the genocide based on sex is a crime and a violation of human rights.
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Current threats to freedom of speech in Poland

During the Human Dimension Implementation Meeting organised by the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe, the Ordo Juris Law Centre has organized on 30th September a meeting on the current threats to freedom of speech in Poland.

The main topic of discussion was the amendment to the Polish anti-discrimination law. The new anti-discrimination bill, wrongly presented as proper fulfillment of  EU antidiscrimination directives, will seriously diminish freedom of speech in Poland.

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U.S. Congressional Hearing Examines Gendercide in India

The widespread killing of girls in India through sex-selective abortion and infanticide can be traced to coercive programs instituted by population alarmists, UN agencies, abortion groups and affluent countries including the United States.

“Sex-selection abortion was – a violent, nefarious and deliberate policy imposed on the world by the pro-abortion population control movement – it’s not an accident,” said Congressman Chris Smith, chairman of the subcommittee on Africa, Global Health and Human Rights.

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Life protection


The European Citizen’s Initiative “One of us” has collected over one million signatures

With this achievement “One of us” becomes the second European Citizens’ Initiative to reach the requirements established by the Commission.
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