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Ordo Iuris

Dr Tymoteusz Zych - The need for structural reforms in the European Union

Over the past several years, we have experienced growing dissatisfaction with the current model of European integration. While the most notable example of this trend was the Brexit referendum, at the moment it took place the UK was not the most strongly anti-EU country.

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Family and marriage


"How to effectively protect family, marriage and human life in the modern world" - the meeting with Ordo Iuris experts

"How to effectively protect family, marriage and human life in the modern world" - that is the subject of the meeting with Ordo Iuris experts, which will take place in New York.

The event will be attended by:

- dr Tymoteusz Zych - Vice President of Ordo Iuris

- Monika Leszczyńska - Membership Director

March 10 at 7:30 P.M.

St. Stanislaus Church

101E 7th street

Manhattan, New York

The meeting will be in Polish.

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Family and marriage


Promoting abortion and battling pro-life movements – the UN programme for the following years

The United Nations has initiated works on a final document of this year's 64th session of the UN Commission for the Status of Women. In March, the UN Political Statement on "gender equality" will be adopted. It entails the organisation's course of action for the following five years.

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Life protection


EU to push pro-abortion agenda in UN – radical European Parliament resolution

The European Parliament has adopted another radical resolution which includes gender ideology, accusations of alleged regressive treatment of women's rights and a condemnation of the US ban on the public funding of pro-abortion organisations, in addition to calling upon the EU to urgently ratify the Istanbul Convention.

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Polish-Hungarian partnership to protect values. Joint declaration of Ordo Iuris and Center for Fundamental Rights

In an age where fundamental values are being undermined, international cooperation to protect them is of extreme importance. A delegation of the Ordo Iuris Institute met in Budapest with the Hungarian legal think tank Center for Fundamental Rights. The two organisations signed a joint Declaration and Accord on Cooperation.

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Family and marriage


Norway once again violates parental rights, including those of a Polish woman – ruling of the European Court of Human Rights

The European Court of Human Rights found the Norwegian child protection services to have violated parental rights in another in a series of rulings on the subject issued in the past several months. The right to respect for family life was once again infringed upon by the Barnevernet. One of the cases involved a Polish woman whose son was taken away. The Pole was allowed only two visits per year, before being completely prohibited from seeing him despite positive opinions by doctors, psychologists, and kindergarten authorities.

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